Gobble up some money as a Content Done Better Report contributor...Horrible title proves need for new material...
I am going to send out the next issue of the Content Done Better Report the day before Thanksgiving instead of right after the holiday.
However, in order to send out a great edition, I would love a few more brand-spanking-new and insightful articles about the content writing industry to fill its "pages." I'd also like to have a few "in reserve" for future editions...
So, if you are a content writer or are otherwise involved in writing for online interests and you have an idea for a great article, let me know.
The pay is a less-than-thrilling $15 for a piece of 500-700 words. On the bright side, circulation of the CDBR is on the rise and I don't want exclusive rights.
Have an idea? Pitch me. You can email at cdbrack@gmail.com.
I'd love two more articles to accompany an interesting interview and all of the other fun/important stuff that will constitute the next Content Done Better Report.
Oh, and by the way... If you haven't subscribed yet, feel free to do so right now.
The subscription form is on the right sidebar and it is calling out for you!