CDB Blog miscellany...Just in case you care...
Just in case you're interested...
I plan to use creepy photos to accompany all blog entries until the official conclusion of Halloween. I have a few other things planned or in progress that have nothing to do with my favorite holiday.
- I'll be updating the "$125K Challenge" numbers on November 8. That will be the three-month mark for this effort and I thought a quarterly update seemed like a good idea. I'll need to be at $31,250 to be on pace!
- I'm thinking about trimming my blogroll down to size. I'll be keeping the AW blogroll as is, but I've noticed that a lot of the blogs to which I'm personally linking haven't updated in months. That's not very helpful to visitors... Have I missed you? If you're linking to the Content Done Better Blog and I'm not reciprocating, drop me a line.
- I finished the groundwork on the "easy money" plan. Now, all I have to do is wait to see how much it actually earns. I should know with certainty within two weeks, but I might be able to get a pretty good projection earlier than that. I'll keep everyone posted. If it works, I will make a copy of this nearly hassle-free way for writers to make a few hundo freely available to anyone who makes a charitable donation of $5 or more to the cause of his or her choice.