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Monday, June 26, 2006

Guest Blogger, Eliza Ferree: One last thing

Okay lovely group, I'm here one last time.

I wanted to approach the subject of miscommunication in bidding sites or even just through emails with potential clients. How does one that writes content writing deal with it?

1. Make sure you get the exact details needed.
2. Go over them one last time before agreeing, and have them say yes that is correct.

Okay, now that would normally be great, especially if they are coming to your through email. You have the email to prove it. However, on bidding sites this is not always the case. They do state not to take anything off the website. Which I think is totally understandable. However, what happens when there is a miscommunication?

For instance my situation I blogged about. The client and myself both agreed to a certain amount and a deadline. However, in the bid he never did accept me as the bidder. If I did all the work would I be protected in the end? That's a tough call. Would you do it? This is one of those going by faith, but at the same time don't we have to be professional as well. No excuses and don't worry about how you will make the client feel. As a freelance writer you must protect yourself, the client should understand that it is part of the business.

1. Talk out the details, only through the site.
2. both of you need to agree on details
3. make sure they accept the bid
4. do the work and get paid.

Okay, well I'm off and will hand you back to Carson now.

Special guest blogger Eliza Ferree is a freelance writer and blogger. You can visit her at http://entertainusnews.blogspot.com/