Stalled but not forgotten...Three things I have been meaning to do and eventually will...
I've been really busy lately.
There are a few things I have mentioned here in terms of future plans and I wanted to provide a quick update on them. I'd love to have them all done, but paying clients always get priority, you know.
Duplicate Content Ebook: I have completed research and started writing an ebook on duplicate content filters/penalties. It's my goal to provide a quality resource that can help people better understand what the terms really mean, how Google notices and handles duplicate content, etc. As soon as it is done, it will be offered (briefly) to Content Done Better Blog readers either for free or at a greatly reduced price. I will announce when it is getting close to completion.
Associated Content Research: I get upset with myself every day over this one. Those of you who submitted data for use in the AC research project are probably wondering what happened to it. Well, it was carefully placed in a database for manipulation and examination. Then, I wrote over the file and lost it like an idiot. Hey, give me a break! I am a writer, not a number-cruncher. I am going to cull the data (in its various forms) from your emails and will then get the database put together along with some preliminary conclusions.
Writers Cooperative: I will be honest with you, I am not sure where this is right now. The original vision approximating a joint site for interested freelance content writers was compromised out of necessity to more of a "mall of writers" plan where members would receive template-driven webspace to hawk their services. Diane Penna, who I know is just as busy as anyone else, was working with some organizational and design options. Eventually, we need to decide in which direction to take the project.
Okay, those are the three things I want to get done that I haven't finished. Just thought some of you might want to know what's up.
Now, back to client work. Well, I might try to solve the linkie winkie mystery. For those of you who haven't heard, linkie winkie is an ostensibly friendly little site that seems to be helping people find more visitors to their sites. If you happened to come here via linkie winkie, thanks for stopping by and feel free to look around. If you need a content writer, remember Content Done Better. Good to know altruism isn't dead, even if it is part of a social experiment...